Little things that feed the flame

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Festive Moments

sventes115sventes112sventes113 So, Christmas is over and only a few days left in the year. I hope you are having a great time with the people you love. Here are a few random festive moments from our house. Some hand-made gifts that were given away, a small part of the presents received, edible goodies that were made and consumed, some moments by the fire…

Everything is still in slow mode around here. I have a few proper blog posts in my mind and some changes on the way. I hope you come back the next year and continue on this journey with me.


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Writing Challenge: A Day in Verbal Snapshots

It so happened, that I bought a new cell phone on Monday. My first smart phone. I have resisted the silent pressure until now. However, now that I have a phone that can do this and that and the other, the weekly challenge – announced on the very same Monday – is, of course, to put it away. To feel the world with all of our senses, to live, and to capture the moments with words, rather than camera. Luckily, I enjoy taking mental images, storing sights, sounds, smells, and emotions on paper. I sort of already started this without prompting, as you might remember.

So, here goes, one day in verbal snapshots. (I actually managed to take a few real ones in the evening, with camera, as you might have seen in this post.) Continue reading